Mission day


 I was excited at the beginning of Mission Day. We went to church and we were allowed to wear mufti clothes.

Our game was fishing, and there were lots of  prizes like Slinkies, bracelets, yoyos  and  lollies. I had 5 coins to spend at Mission Day. It wasn’t just for fun, it was for raising money for the Holy Angels orphanage in India. Their Mission Day raffles were 3 bikes and rugby balls. I didn’t get the bike but I had lots of fun.

Our Cycling Day

Last Thursday morning I had to come to school with my sports gear because we were having cycling lessons. I was a bit nervous because I didn’t know how to ride a bike.

We met Stephanie and Lucy and we had Stephanie with our group. We went up under the canopy. I put a helmet on and she gave me a bike. At first I had to scoot with two feet on the ground. It felt painful because my bottom hurt.

After a bit I felt more confident and I had to lift up my legs and glide and then stop. It took me a while to do this. I could glide down the ramp and I felt so happy.

After morning tea I had to practise using the pedals. It was hard and I hurt myself ten times. At the end of the day I was pedalling all by myself around the top court. I was proud of myself.

I hope I can ride again soon and when I told my mum she said maybe for Christmas.

Wednesday at school

On Wednesday at School some of the Year 4’s in our class had to stay behind when the others  went to the Rippa Rugby Tournament. At first some of the Room 7’s and 8’s came to have prayers with us. After prayers we did Maths with Ms Kyle and we worked as a whole group together.

While the girls were learning to crochet, I was drawing. I drew a dragon because I like learning facts about them. My dragon is beautiful because it is a Fire Element.

Later we went outside towards  the pathway to see the flowers which are called Freesias. They were yellow, lilac and vanilla coloured. It smelled like my brother’s cologne. I had a fun day.



Paris Olympics 2024

Have you heard of the Olympics?  If you haven’t you’re going to find out!

The Ancient  Olympics  started in 776 BC in Athens, Greece and the Modern Olympics started in 1896. the ancient Olympics was in Greek in Olympia . My athlete sports is fencing, fencing is like a sword  fight but the swords is bendy but my athlete is Samantha Catantan Samantha is the only  in the fencing team and she is 22 years old she won one  gold three silver and two gold  and shes Filipino she started modern  Olympics 1896

we made arts of athlete my one had a sword the symbol

My Taonga

At the end of last term we made a taonga. My  taonga  is a koru  which looks like a ring  but it resembles a fern tree. I made it out of clay which felt soft  and cold. A few days later it felt hard and  after the holidays we painted them green.  I added some string so it was like a necklace. We glued them to brown material and then added our writing and Taonga to the black paper.




Comparing and contrasting Tortoises and Turtles

Tortoise and turtles eat veggies. Tortoises and Turtles have small brains but they are both smart. Tortoises have claws, however Turtles have flippers because they live in water. They both lay eggs on land. Tortoises live on land but Turtles live in water. Turtles have a flatter shell while tortoises have a dome shell. Tortoises can live up to 150 years but turtles only live for up to 30 years. Tortoises and turtles have different patterns on their shells. Turtles and tortoises are slow eaters and both like eating vegetables. 

Our Wearable Waste Fashion Show

On Thursday, Room 6 and Room 7  had a Fashion show. We used recycled materials to make an outfit.  l used feathers and cardboard  and paper. I was going to be a king. I had a crown and a cape and a staff. I struggled with my crown and paint.

I was thinking about the colour for the cape and I used yellow. I painted my name red and my crown was coloured yellow and orange and a little bit of red.

I decided to colour my staff purple because it is one of my favourite colours when we did our fashion show I felt nervous I walked by my self and I bowed down in the middle of the room then I went out of the room and it was the other peoples tern to go in the middle when they all went pass we all had to go on stage and all of the people that was watching were shouting louder than a elephant when we all came I was happy and cheerful.

When we all left the stage everyone that was watching left to go to their class room. After they left we all went to the room and we took a photo of everyone that was in the show. This was the best week at school ever.


Littering is bad for our environment

Litter is bad for our environment and that’s a fact. Have you heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? Well, if you haven’t you’re going to find out that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a gigantic island of plastic floating in the Pacific Ocean and it’s caused by people littering and throwing plastic away without thinking where it is going.  

 We saw lots of photos of sea animals that were captured in nets and plastics. If they weren’t already dead they were in pain because they can’t swim or eat properly. I saw a turtle with a weird shaped shell because it got stuck in a plastic ring.

There was also a seabird that was dead and had its stomach cut open and inside was so much plastic. I saw blue plastic lids, small containers and even a plastic bag. We need to do something about this because it is so sad.

At the bottom of the ocean there is a gigantic pile of dumped car tyres. Someone was not thinking when they did that. I don’t know how we could get them out. That is really bad littering. 

We have learned this term to reduce, reuse, recycle and refuse to use ‘one use’ plastics. We collect lots of rubbish every afternoon around our school. We are trying our best to look after our environment.